(Fashion is) a very difficult matter, as you know, because fashion is a business. If you don't sell, then you're not in business.
You can be the best designer and be very creative and innovative, have the most beautiful ideas, but if they all stay in your room and are not used by someone, then you are not in business.
Carolina Herrera
Tip # 1 A tip for women looking to get into the fashion business.
First, you have to love it. Second, you must remember that it will not be easy. You will have many problems. You must have perseverance. You should do it even if it doesn't work and you must keep going. You must be strong about it. You must have the talent to do it, because without talent, how can you make fashion?
Carolina Herrera
Tip # 2 Discipline
Carolina Herrera is a very disciplined woman, she likes to keep agendas, plan each of her movements and coordinate down to the smallest detail.
In the designer's words:
“With discipline and perseverance, everything can be achieved. Of course, it is an uphill road, but people seek to feel sorry for themselves so as not to take responsibility. When you decide to undertake a project, you don't need motivation. Passion and commitment are enough to determine our goals and compel us to fulfill each one to the letter.”
Carolina Herrera
When starting a business, it is common to get excited about an idea, and get carried away, without taking note of the actions that must be taken to achieve your goal.
«Disorder is the enemy of success. You can be very creative, but you will never be responsible»
Tip # 3 Quality for life
Absolutely all Carolina Herrera garments have a lifetime guarantee.
Instead of opting for a sales system based on the renewal of garments, for changes in fashion, Carolina Herrera prefers to make her collections timeless.
Although it is true, this could be categorized as a business model, we cannot ignore that quality is an essential element to create highly satisfied clients.
Tip # 4 Contacts
Carolina Herrera knew how to take advantage of her position to grow based on it. She could have stayed in her comfort zone, as the mother of a wealthy family, but instead decided to create a brand that managed to return elegance to the catwalks of the world.
Learning to manage your own public relations, being the representative of your brand wherever you go and generating relationships that can end in business, is the best strategy to break through in the market.
"Before money and fame, an entrepreneur requires wit to be successful"